If your order was damaged in shipping, hold on to the products and packaging, and contact us immediately. We will report the claim to UPS and replace the item. It's a good idea to open and inspect all items upon receipt. This is to your benefit, since we cannot place claims or accept returns after 10 days.
You may cancel your order by e-mailing info@shopatartworks.com, or call Customer Service at (978) 563-1226. In most cases, processing begins within 24 hours of your order, so we will do our best to cancel your order within that time. Please include your Order Number in your E-mail or have it handy when you call.
If a customer returns any items without getting authorization from Artworks first, the customer will cover the return shipping costs.
ARTworks appreciates your patronage and respects your privacy. Any information that you provide to us is used only to process your order(s), reply to your questions, and to improve your future experiences with our Web site. We will not share your personal information, such as your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, or credit card information, with anyone for any reason, unless required to by law.